Sunday, September 15, 2013

MoodleMoot Virtual Conference 2013 Video Presentation is Live!

Thank you so much for your patience, my video from August 25, 2013, where I presented my S.U.R.E. research for an international audience of educators, is now available for viewing! It is 35 minutes long.

Click on the following link:  Clarisa's WizIq MoodleMoot Presentation!

Despite the technological errors of the WizIq website, and the trials actually accessing and processing the video for editing, my team and I were able to bring this to you just in time for the S.U.R.E. Symposium on Thursday, September 19th. 

Please enjoy and leave your comments and feedback!
Give it a thumbs up with your support!

Friday, September 13, 2013

Upcoming S.U.R.E. Research Symposium (About the Poster and Presentation!)

I am very excited about the upcoming poster session that will highlight the research I have done for the S.U.R.E. Program, through Mount Saint Mary College!

I. About the Poster

My faculty advisors (Dr. Ludmila Smirnova and Dr. Bojan Lazarevic) and I had a feedback session about the rough draft of my poster. They gave me helpful advice for improvements that involved:
  • Categorization of Headings
  • Correct Sequence of Information
  • Tips about making my graphs look uniform and organized
  • References - APA format
I cannot thank them enough for all of their support and feedback from the start.

II. My Secret Ace for the Presentation (A Secret I'll Share With You!)

With luck, I should be able to borrow an iPad for the presentation; therefore, I will be making a visually appealing, informative PowerPoint presentation to go with my presentation of the research!
If I am able to access the iPad, I plan on using the app SlideShark so viewers may navigate the slides of Web 2.0 tools I will describe. This technology aspect would make the presentation really exciting!

III. Video Update

For those of you who have been taking the journey into teaching with Web 2.0 tools with me, you have noticed a previous blog post - I talk about accessing and "releasing" the video from the Moodle Moot Virtual Conference 2013 - and phase 1 is complete! The video has been converted to a format that is able to be edited using advanced video editing tools. Phase 2 (editing) is already underway! Thank you for your patience!

I'm very much looking forward to seeing everyone at the symposium, and for those of you in different states and countries, please check back after next Thursday for my final blog entry, where I give the after-symposium thoughts and entire reflection of the journey!